Prof. Dr. Ismail Tavman

Dokuz Eylul University, Mechanical Engineering Department , Izmir, Turkey


Data: 11/07/2011

Horário: 13h

Local: CT, SALA G-205



An experimental work on the measurements of thermal conductivity and viscosity of Al2O3 -water and Al2O3 -ethylene glycol nanofluids is reported in this work. The experimental apparatus for measuring thermal conductivity by 3 omega method is described. Results show that thermal conductivity values are within the limits of Maxwell model while viscosity increases dramatically with increasing particle concentration and decreases with increasing temperature. However, the relative viscosity is independent of temperature. Also pH, particle size and zeta potential of nanofluid samples are characterized.


And if time allows we may talk on:


"A Brief Survey on Research Activities of  Prof. Dr. Ismail Tavman".