Palestrante: Dr. Fati Zoma,researcher of University of Fada N’Gourma (UFNDG),
Member of Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of the Environment (LPCE), University Ouaga 1 Pr Joseph KI-ZERBO (UO1-JKZ), Burkina Faso
DATA: 28/09/2018(sexta-feira)
LOCAL: Centro de Tecnologia, sala I-241, Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão
Maiores informações: Helcio R. B. Orlande (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)
Climate change is fuelled by the emission of greenhouse gases resulting from energy-consuming practices, particularly in the construction sector. We can identify production of cement and air conditioning to meet the need for comfort in buildings. As well as this situation affects the environment, the repercussions are socially and economically relevant.
Regarding the situation, one approach is to develop mechanically and thermally suitable eco-materials for envelopes’ (walls) in buildings, using the least possible or not at all industrial additives.
We worked on a local composite material made of clayey earth and vegetal fibers in order to improve vernacular adobe construction material, regarding thermal insulation for hot dry climate. For that purpose:
-we formulated a composite material compressed by vibration from which we established a kind of formulation guidelines for the laymen
-then we studied his Thermophysical and mechanical properties
-at last we performed some computer simulations of the thermal behavior of the composite in a single storey house.
For the present seminary, I am going to focus on an approach for “choosing the appropriate mineral material (soil) for construction” independently of the location but based on characteristics. The presentation will be schedule as follow:
1- Brief presentation of UO1-JKZ; UFDG; LPCE
2- Seminary: Choosing the Mineral Matrix (Ceramic Matrix)