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Prof. Luca Sorelli

Université Laval, Canadá


Data: 10/02/2011, 5a feira

Hora: 14h

Local: Bloco G, sala 205, Centro de Tecnologia - UFRJ

The goal of this presentation is to present the ongoing research of my groups for seeking potential research collaborations Canada-Brazil.



This talk will first present new Statistical Nanoindentation Techniques (SNT) for characterizing the mechanical properties of heterogeneous microstructures with emphasis on concrete. The measurements are input into micromechanics models to predict the macroscopic properties. For instance, such micro-to-macro approach allows estimating the uncertainty propagation of properties through microstructure. An application to elastic properties of ultra high performance concretes is presented. To disclose the highly heterogeneous nanostructure, a new approach which couples mechanical indentation with chemical analysis (SEM–EDX) is presented. Preliminary results on the characterization and homogenization of strength and creep properties are discussed. Finally, the general framework of thermo-chemo-mechanics is presented as ideal platform to implement such microstructure knowledge into structural applications.


Prof.Luca Sorelli

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