TÍTULO: Human Heart Destined for Transplantation: Conjugate Cooling Simulation to Extend its Viability
PALESTRANTE: Prof. George S. Dulikravich, Ph.D., Florida International University - F.I.U., USA
DATA: 06/08/2014
Maiores informações: Hélcio Orlande; e-mail: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
ABSTRACT: Currently, the time limit for an explanted human heart to remain viable is only 4.5 hours when the heart is kept submerged in a saline bath at a temperature close to that of freezing water. The donor and the recipient of the compatible heart are often at vastly different geographic locations. This means that the current 4.5 hours limitation must cover transportation from the site of harvesting to the nearest airport, flight time to the airport nearest to the recipient’s location, and travel time from that airport to the hospital where the recipient is located. In practice, this leaves at most two hours for air transportation of the heart, which is insufficient to cover even half of the territory of the United States. The ultimate objective of this research was to extend the viability of the transplant heart to at least 10 hours. This would provide up to 7 hours for air transport, thus enabling heart transplantations anywhere in the North America. The main objective of this work was to demonstrate computationally that realistic human hearts can be cooled much faster by performing conjugate heat transfer consisting of pumping a cold liquid through the cardiac chambers and major veins and simultaneously pumping the cold liquid in the space between the heart and the surrounding cooling container. The human heart geometry used for simulations was obtained from three-dimensional, high resolution CT-angio scans. Two fluid flow domains for the right (pulmonic) and left (systemic) heart circulations, and a solid domains for the heart tissue and a solid domain for the external flow field were defined for multi-domain numerical simulation performed on a parallel computer. Detailed unsteady temperature fields within the heart tissue were calculated during the conjugate cooling process. A linear thermoelasticity analysis was also performed to assess the thermal stresses and fluid shear and normal forces It was demonstrated that a conjugate cooling effort with coolant temperature at +4°C is capable of reducing the average heart temperature from +37°C to +5°C in 25 minutes thus extending the viable use of the heart as a transplant to 10 hours. The same software package can be used for similar studies on other organs destined for transplantation.
Biosketch of the Invited Lecturer:
Prof. George S. Dulikravich (Ph.D., Cornell'79; M.Sc., Minnesota'75; Dipl.-Ing., Belgrade'73) worked as a NRC Associate Fellow at NASA LeRC, a Visiting Scientist at DFVLR-Goettingen, Assistant Professor at University of Texas-Austin(‘82-’86), Associate Professor at the Pennsylvania State University (‘86-’99), Full Professor at Univ. of Texas at Arlington (‘99-‘03), and Department Chair at Florida International University (’03-’09). He has authored and co-authored over 400 technical publications in diverse fields involving computational and analytical fluid mechanics, subsonic, transonic and hypersonic aerodynamics, theoretical and computational electro-magneto-hydrodynamics, conjugate heat transfer including solidification, hybrid optimization algorithms, computational cryobiology, acceleration of iterative algorithms, computational grid generation, multi-disciplinary aero-thermo-structural inverse problems, design and constrained optimization in turbomachinery, fluid flow and heat transfer in networks of micro passages, and multi-objective optimization of chemical compositions of alloys. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the international journal on Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (founded in 1994) and an
Prof. George S. Dulikravich (Ph.D., Cornell'79; M.Sc., Minnesota'75; Dipl.-Ing., Belgrade'73) worked as a NRC Associate Fellow at NASA LeRC, a Visiting Scientist at DFVLR-Goettingen, Assistant Professor at University of Texas-Austin(‘82-’86), Associate Professor at the Pennsylvania State University (‘86-’99), Full Professor at Univ. of Texas at Arlington (‘99-‘03), and Department Chair at Florida International University (’03-’09). He has authored and co-authored over 425 technical publications in diverse fields involving computational and analytical fluid mechanics, subsonic, transonic and hypersonic aerodynamics, theoretical and computational electro-magneto-hydrodynamics, conjugate heat transfer including solidification, hybrid optimization algorithms, computational cryobiology, acceleration of iterative algorithms, computational grid generation, multi-disciplinary aero-thermo-structural inverse problems, design and constrained optimization in turbomachinery, fluid flow and heat transfer in networks of micro passages, and multi-objective optimization of chemical compositions of alloys. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the international journal on Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (founded in 1994) and an Associate Editor of ten additional journals. He is also the founder, chairman and editor of the sequence of International Conferences on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES) and a co-founder of International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO). Professor Dulikravich is a Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics, Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, and an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was a member of the Texas Institute for Computational Mechanics (TICOM) at the University of Texas at Austin and a member of the Center for Space Propulsion and the Center for Gas Turbines and Power at the Pennsylvania State University. He is the founder of the interdepartmental Multidisciplinary Analysis, Inverse Design and Optimization (MAIDO) Institute at the University of Texas at Arlington and the founder of Multidisciplinary Analysis, Inverse Design, Robust Optimization and Control (MAIDROC) Laboratory at Florida International University.