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Mechanical Engineering at UFRJ - 50 years


Whereas you intend a qualified education of undergraduate or graduate level or if you want to pursue post-doctoral research, please contact and join us!

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Polytechnic School and the Mechanical Engineering Program of COPPE build up an integrated, plural and stimulating social and academic environment. We pursue excellence in teaching and learning, and in scientific and technological research. Our activities spread out over such broad fields as thermo-fluid-mechanics, nonlinear dynamics and robotics, solid mechanics, acoustics, design and manufacturing of mechanical systems. We offer regular undergraduate and graduate programs leading to Engineer, Master of Science and Doctor of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering as well as possibilities for post doctoral research. Our MSc and DSc programs are top-rated, between the best graduate programs in Mechanical Engineering in Brazil. We also produce research of international level, using state of the art well equipped laboratories and IT infrastructure. Traditionally, we maintain join programs and intense academic interchange programs with other institutions in Brazil and from abroad.pijama takımı maç izle

Mestrado e Doutorado em Engenharia Mecânica: Inscrição para Ingresso no Ano 2024

As inscrições para o ingresso em 2024/1 nos Cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado do Programa de Engenharia Mecânica da COPPE/UFRJ estarão abertas de 18/03/2024 até 1215/04/2024

Edital disponível nesta página, em PÓS GRADUAÇÃO: ADMISSÃO.

Corpo Docente: Tempo Integral

1 Albino José Kalab Leiróz; PhD, Irvine, 1996.
2 Antonio MacDowell de Figueiredo; Dr.Ing., Stuttgart, 1980.
3 Átila Pantaleão Silva Freire; PhD, Cambridge, 1987.
4 Carolina Palma Naveira Cotta; DSc, UFRJ, 2009.
5 Daniel Alves Castello; DSc, UFRJ, 2004.
6 Daniel Onofre de Almeida Cruz; DSc, UFRJ, 1996.
7 Fábio da Costa Figueiredo; DSc, UFRJ, 2015.
8 Fábio Luiz Zamberlan; DSc, UFRJ, 1997.
9 Fernando Alves Rochinha; DSc, PUC-RJ, 1990.
10 Fernando Augusto de Noronha Castro Pinto; Dr.Ing., Hamburg-Harburg, 1996.
11 Fernando Pereira Duda; DSc, UFRJ, 1996.
12 Flávio de Marco Filho; DSc, UFRJ, 2002.
13 Gabriel Lisbôa Veríssimo; DSc, UFRJ, 2018.
14 Gustavo César Rachid Bodstein; PhD, Cornell, 1993.
15 Gustavo Rabello dos Anjos; PhD, EPFL, 2012.
16 Hélcio Rangel Barreto Orlande; PhD, North Caroline, 1993.
17 José Luis Lopes da Silveira; DSc, UFRJ, 1996.
18 Jules Ghislain Slama; DSc, Marseille II, 1988.
19 Juliana Braga Rodrigues Loureiro; DSc, UFRJ, 2008.
20 Lavinia Maria Sanabio Alves Borges; DSc, PUC-RJ, 1991.
21 Manuel Ernani de Carvalho Cruz; PhD, MIT, 1993.
22 Marcelo Amorim Savi; DSc, PUC-RJ, 1994.
23 Marcelo José Colaço; DSc, UFRJ, 2001.
24 Max Suell Dutra; Dr.Ing., G-M, Duisburg, 1995.
25 Nísio de Carvalho Lobo Brum; DSc, UFRJ, 1988.
26 Renato Machado Cotta; PhD, North Caroline, 1985.
27 Ricardo Eduardo Musafir; DSc, UFRJ, 1990.
28 Roney Leon Thompson; DSc, PUC-RJ, 2001.
29 Silvio Carlos Anibal de Almeida; DSc, PUC-RJ, 1992.
30 Sylvio José Ribeiro de Oliveira; Dr.Ing., Hamburg-Harburg, 1995.
31 Thiago Gamboa Ritto; DSc, Université Paris-Est / PUC-RJ, 2010.
32 Vitor Ferreira Romano; Dott.Ric., POLIMI, 1993.

Corpo Docente: Tempo Parcial

1 Reinaldo de Falco; Eng.,

Corpo Docente: Colaboradores

1  Carlos Rodrigues Pereira Belchior; DSc, USP, 1982.
2 José Herskovits Norman; DSc, Paris IX, 1982.
3 Nestor Alberto Zouain Pereira; DSc, UFRJ, 1982.

Corpo Docente: Aposentados

1 José Stockler Canabrava Filho; PhD, UMIST, 2000.
2 Ricardo Manfredi Naveiro; DSc, USP, 1991.
3 Sérgio Exel Gonçalves; DSc, UFRJ, 1999.





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