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Soft Matter, Bio-inspired materials, Bio-locomotion

Venue: CEBIMAR/USP,   São Sebastião,  Brazil   http://cebimar.usp.br
March  6 to  11, 2017

Focusing in bioengineering applications of the wide and rich field of soft-matter, the purpose of this meeting is to foster  interaction between  research groups from Brazil and abroad.  The main goal is to promote contact among young and  senior researchers.

CEBIMAR facilities accommodates up to  45 participants  

Some of the visitors will stay in  the following week (March 13 to 17) to lecture in a follow up  School to be held at ICTP / SAIFR  in São Paulo city (http://www.ictp-saifr.org).  This School aims at graduate students.  An announcement for  this school at ICTP web site will appear soon, as well as  for a more advanced School on Electrostatic Interations, to be held during the week 20-25 March.

The followining groups from abroad  have been contacted.







Amont the Brazilian groups:

COPPE/ PEM  http://www.mecanica.coppe.ufrj.br  

COPPE/ PENT  http://www.pent.coppe.ufrj.br  

UFABC  http://pesquisa.ufabc.edu.br/gbiof/
INMETRO Biotechnology


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