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Título: Galerkin method to solve coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer system of equations.

Palestrante: Prof. Jean Rodolphe Roche, Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine (Mathématiques), University of Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France

DATA: 22/09/2017

HORÁRIO: 13:30 horas

LOCAL: Centro de Tecnologia Bloco I, Sala: I-241

TÍTULO: Use of natural building Eco-materials or formulated with local inputs to achieve energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gases.

Palestrante: Professor David Y.K. Toguyeni
Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of the Environment (LPCE), University Ouaga, Burkina Faso

Data: Sexta-feira 15/09/2017
Horário: 13:30 horas
Centro de Tecnologia Bloco I, Sala: I241

Palestrante: Prof. Cassio Machiavelli Oishi, Depto. de Matemática e Computação - FCT - UNESP


Data: Terça-feira, 29/11/2016

Horário: 13:00 horas

Local: Centro de Tecnologia Bloco I, Sala G-219


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